Monday, September 21, 2009

Beyer Dynamic m160

Just figured I would rave a little bit about my m160's. Holy crap! these are my favorite mics right now. It took some settling to realize that there are the best mics I own. used them on many sessions on; overheads, guitar amps, acoustic guitar, trumpet, backup vocals and percussion. They are hyper-cardioid dual ribbon mics which means they have excellent rear rejection - and because they are ribbon mics they have pretty low output and need a clean high gain preamp. (I've never run out of gain even on super quiet acoustic sources)

I read somebody's blog saying it was the most effortless acoustic guitar sound he ever got. I can totally understand this. I just put an m160 pointing at the sound hole placed at around the 12th fret and hit record. Done. i've fumbled with stereo condensers for too long and this is too damn easy and reliable.

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