Wednesday, January 14, 2009

19 Channel Snake Mod: First Big Soldering Project

My first big soldering project started with a 100ft 16/4 Whirlwind snake that I bought from eBay. It was ragged, had channels that didn't work and it was too long for what I needed it for. What I decided to do was cut it into 3 pieces:

  • xlr box to trs fan
  • trs fan to xlr fan
  • xlr fan to xlr/trs fan

The purpose, to split the snake by a patchbay so I can hot patch (yes with the +48 off) to audition different mic pre's on different mics.

I found out quickly that this project needed a whole lot more time to complete than I set out with (I started on a Tuesday and I had to pack up and leave for a session on Friday. I work 9-5 so I stayed up til 3 every night soldering). 95 jacks doesn't seem like a lot, but it amounted to 285 solder points, quite a lot for a novice. Needless to say, I got good fast.

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