Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Urei Cooper Time Cube

I've been fascinated with this weird delay box for a while, maybe someday I will own one. The effect seems pretty limited, but probably really really cool every once in a while.

Weird hey? It's basically a tube that audio is put through. Kind of like talking into a garden hose.

A-Designs Pacifica Preamp

One of the most amazing preamps available. I tried the 500 series version, the P1, on snare and clean electric guitar a while ago and I was so impressed that I bought the big daddy, full voltage Pacifica version not long after. Based on the Quad 8 Pacifica console that was discontinued long ago - A Designs upgraded the design with Cinemag input and output transformers. It pretty much lives on overheads and acoustic guitar. Bass is pretty darn rad through this guy as well.

Innards for your diy eyes... (the build quality is stunning).